Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014


karya : Siti Sofiyah

Kini kita terpisah oleh jarak dan waktu
Masih kuingat saat jarak dan waktu tak berpisah
Kita tertawa dan tersenyum bersama
Bersama kalian aku bisa melupakan masalahku untuk sementara
Tapi bersama kalian aku juga bisa menyelesikan masalah itu
Aku tahu jarak dan waktu itu sesuatu yang tak akan terpisah
Mereka selalu ada untuk saling melengkapi
Begitulah aku dan kalian ada
Untuk saling melengkapi
Layaknya jarak dan waktu


karya : Siti Sofiyah

Semakin deras kurasakan tetesan air itu
Mengalir lembut, menyapu setiap lekuk wajahku
Aku senang bahkan bahagia
Karna inilah yang kunantikan
Saat aku bisa meluapkan semua sedihku
Semua tangis dan lelahnya jiwaku

Banyak orang mengeluh saat hujan turun
Merasa tak bisa pulang karna hujan
Merasa bising karna hujan
Tapi aku senang dengan hujan
Hujan yang selalu  menerima tangisku
Membuat mereka tertipu oleh air itu
Mereka tak akan tahu

Air itu bukan sembarang air
Air itu telah menyatu dengan segala sedihku
Air itu adalah saksi kesedihanku

Tak pernah ia menolak sedihku
Tak pernah ia menjauhi tangisku

Tapi hujan,
Dia selalu menerima sedihku
Dia selalu menyatu dengan tangisku
Dan mereka takkan tau
Bahwa dibalik hujan itu tersembunyi kesedihan yang mendalam


karya : Siti Sofiyah

Aku takkan kalah
Aku akan terus berusaha
Takkan kubiarkan mereka mengalahkanku

                Karena aku kuat
                Aku tak lemah
                Aku mampu
                Aku past bisa

Mungkin mereka semua berfikir aku meredup
Justru saat itu aku tengah dalam proses
Proses untuk berkilau terang
Bahkan membuat kilau mereka hilang

                Aku benci kata kalah
                Karena hidupku tak mengenal kalah
                Yang kukenal hanyalah kesuksesan tertunda
Matahari yang hilang dikala senja
Bukan berarti mereka kalah oleh bulan
Mereka tetap bersinar
Ini hanya masalah waktu

                Begitu pula denganku
                Yang takkan kalah, dan tak akan pernah mengalah

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014


karya : Siti Sofiyah

Aku terlalu kecil untuk mengingatnya
Mengingat seseorang yang ditubuhku telah mengalir darahnya
Sebut saja dia “Ayah”
Karena aku tak tau pasti
Bagaimana cara dia tersenyum kepadaku
Bagaimana cara dia memandangku
Atau mungkin, bagaimana caranya memanggil namaku
                                 Aku sudah terbiasa tanpanya
                                 Tapi bukan berarti aku bisa tanpanya
                                 Bukan berarti aku tak membutuhkannya
Aku tanpanya karena takdir
Bukan karena keinginanku
Bukan juga karena keinginannya
Karena kuyakin dia tak mungkin meninggalkanku
                                 Kurangkai kata-kata ini bukan 
                                 karena aku marah pada tuhan yang telah mengambilnya
                                Tapi, kurangkai kata-kata ini hanya untuk menunjukkan
Aku menyayangi sosok “Ayah” yang tak pernah kuingat
Aku sedih saat tau aku tak punya kenangan manis dengannya
Tapi, cukup kutau bahwa kasih sayang seorang ayah
Tidak jauh beda dari kasih sayang seorang ibu
                             Ayah.. kupanggil engkau dalam setiap do’aku
                             Berharap kau mendengar dan tersenyum
                             Berharap kau ucapkan satu kata
                             yang mungkin ingin kudengar
                            “Dia anakku, dia mendo’akanku dan dia putri kecilku”


Assalamu’alaikum guys,
Kali ini aku mau berbagi karyaku nih. Kebetulan dapat tugas dari guru bhs inggrisku. Tapi grammarnya ancur gak beraturan. Maklumi lah, masih pemula :) oke deh, cekidotttt !!!

karya : Siti Sofiyah

            Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Sofia in a kingdom called the kingdom of Flowers. Kingdom called the kingdom of interest because it is surrounded by many flowers. Once the evil witch came and changed all the beauty of the Flower kingdom became dark and smelly. All this happened because the witches do not like any beautiful especially fragrant.
            Since the Flower kingdom into the kingdom of darkness, people became restless. Even one by one people left the kingdom. Until now lived a princess with a loyal servant who inhabit the kingdom. The king and queen had died, unable to bear the smell there. King does have a sensitive nose to smell anything. Thus the kingdom was filled with flowers. Even a citizen that cause odor will receive punishment from the king.
Before the king died, he said to his daughter namely Sofia “Promise not to leave the kingdom, oh my daughter. Make this kingdom as before. Do not let this odor continues to crouch in this kingdom.”
“Yes father, I promised to restore this kingdom as before. I will destroy this curse, father do not leave me!”  Said the princess to see the state of his father’s sobs began to weaken. But fate would, the king and queen had died.
It’s been an idea since the incident, the kingdom never change, still smells and dark. The princess began to give up, but at that moment a sudden witch came and approached.
“O beautiful  princess,  and  get a delicious look how this kingdom” said the witch.
“Why are you doing this? Do not you know that because you’re father and mother died. Why are you so hate flower with all its beauty and fragrance” said the princess trying to remain patient.
“Because fragrance was disgusting, in fact I would never shower.” Witch said casually.
“Why do you think like that? Have you ever tried to take a bath?” asked the princess.
“Oh no, I do not need to try to prove that it’s clean and pleasant fragrance” said the witch.
“Then will you accept my challenge to be clean and fragrance in one week? If you are happy with the cleanliness   you must restore this kingdom as originally. If you really do not like to clean and fragrant, then we are not going to fight anymore. But you must be honest in answering, if you lie then all the magic will disappear” challenge princess to the witch.
“Who’s afraid of, No doubt you will lose” replied the witch.
 Top of Form
Finally for a few days trying to clean the Witch and fragrant. And on the fifth day of the wizard began to feel comfortable with being clean and fragrant.

"Hmm, why I become more fresh and depleted spirit after a shower? Would I like this? It is not possible. "Think the witch.
Sixth day later, the witch began to feel more familiar with the cleanliness and luster. Finally, on the seventh day the wizard began to realize that cleanliness was very enjoyable. But the wizard did not want to admit it, because he did not want to be seen to lose in front of the princess and the servant.

"This is the seventh day, and I do not feel any excitement while being clean and fragrant." Says the witch.

"Really? It is not possible. You look happy so far. I thought you liked it. "Says the maid.

"You lie, O witches, flowers look around you! They started to broke, and see the walls that once blackened started back white. First, a fragrant aroma. You lied witch, and magic has vanished in my kingdom. "Reveal the daughter to be amazed at the circumstances surrounding the same way again.
          And at that moment, the royal interest has returned. The wizard went away in shame. But the witch has turned into a net and no longer smells fragrant. Kingdom of the flowers make people had come back again and enliven the kingdom with the return of the celebration festivities flower kingdom.

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